The Hidden Order of Art a Study in the Psychology of Artistic Imagination

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Oct 14, 2008 rated it really liked it
I'chiliad really somewhat unsure what I should rate this volume, though in the end I concur with what (I think) the writer is trying to say, and do think that his ideas are skillful. Generally, that is. Much of the book is rambling, though the author, in the preface, writes that he'south fine with that. Some of his supporting ideas, such equally there are no free forms or colors in nature, or that art is the cosmos of a womb are a little fleck strange. The final few chapters get a scrap disgusting, actually, a I'm really somewhat unsure what I should charge per unit this book, though in the end I concur with what (I think) the author is trying to say, and practise think that his ideas are good. Generally, that is. Much of the book is rambling, though the writer, in the preface, writes that he's fine with that. Some of his supporting ideas, such as there are no complimentary forms or colors in nature, or that art is the creation of a womb are a fiddling bit strange. The terminal few chapters get a bit disgusting, really, and he uses Freud overmuch. In the end, though, a very interesting volume, if i tin can get back all the extreme stuff... ...more
I thought the first third of the book was insightful and that Ehrenzweig managed to become within my creative mind. He was able to put into words the process of making art and the different levels of creative person consciousness used. His jargon was a bit difficult at offset and needed my full attention simply was non off-putting since I found it interesting.
Then why but ii stars y'all may ask? Well, information technology went down hill when he delved into the psychoanalysis of mythical legends. He went on and on giving example af
I thought the first third of the book was insightful and that Ehrenzweig managed to get inside my creative mind. He was able to put into words the process of making fine art and the different levels of artist consciousness used. His jargon was a scrap hard at first and needed my full attending but was non off-putting since I found it interesting.
Then why only two stars you may ask? Well, it went downwardly hill when he delved into the psychoanalysis of mythical legends. He went on and on giving example after instance of the devouring mother and the son's revenge from Oedipus to many other characters of fable. It was just in the final two chapters he returned to the artist and by then I had lost the volition to even care and couldn't expect to give it up as a bad read.
I am sure at that place are many out there that would detect information technology very interesting but being a newcomer to the theories of Freud and Jong and finding it hard to believe ideas that seem to exist impossible to prove I am not a fan.
...more than
Apr 25, 2011 rated it information technology was astonishing
I first heard of Ehrenzweig's book in a bibliography of Juhani Pallasmaa's. Pallasmaa highly regarded this volume and mentioned it as one of the most important books in art psychology even today.

The first one-half of the volume elaborates on what the essence of creativity is and how we can tap into it. The 2nd half uses examples in modern art and too uses the hero-myth (Joseph Campbell) to further explicate the process of inventiveness. This book brings to attention a greater appreciation and understandi

I kickoff heard of Ehrenzweig's book in a bibliography of Juhani Pallasmaa's. Pallasmaa highly regarded this book and mentioned it as ane of the most important books in art psychology fifty-fifty today.

The first half of the book elaborates on what the essence of creativity is and how we tin tap into it. The second half uses examples in modern art and too uses the hero-myth (Joseph Campbell) to further explain the procedure of creativity. This book brings to attention a greater appreciation and understanding into the complex notions of creativity.

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