8th Annual Arts Festivalat St Georges Episcopal Church Nashville Tn

A service at St. George's Episcopal Church


We hope you volition detect a habitation with united states at St. George's Episcopal Church! Delight join united states on Sun for in-person worship at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. in the Nave. The 10:30 a.m. service is also livestreamed on our YouTube Channel and posted after for viewing on St. George'due south YouTube page & Facebook folio.

St. George's Episcopal Preschool

To view the new St. George'south Episcopal Church Preschool website please click here.

St. George's Bookshoppe

St. George's Bookshoppe

This Sunday

Sunday, May eight

Quaternary Dominicus of Easter

ix:00 a.m. Holy Communion


10:30 a.m. Holy Communion

Plant nursery Available

(In-Person and Livestreamed at x:30 a.m., posted afterwards in the day.

Coffee 60 minutes honoring our graduating seniors and other youth

The Order of Service  is here.

This week'south Happenings (announcements) can exist found hither.

St. George's Events & Activities

May 5 & half dozen – Bookshoppe Special Shopping Days

May 10 – Book Club (seven p.m. online)

May 15 – Concert on the Garth with Smash Chicken

June 5 – Pentecost

June 6 – Golding & Wood onsite installation of organ pipes

Clergy Welcome

Rev. Dorothy Sanders-Wells Rector at St. George's Episcopal Church

The Rev. Dorothy Sanders Wells

"Get together. Discover. Serve.  We gather at God's table.  We share a journey of discovery.
We rejoice in serving others through the grace of God in Christ".

We welcome you lot to St. George'due south Episcopal Church, Germantown! We invite you to worship with us on Sundays at 9:00 a.thousand., x:30 a.m. (as well livestreamed) and 5:xxx p.m. Once you are here, nosotros hope that you will immerse yourself and engage all of your senses in this worship feel: in taking in the beauty of God's creation effectually us, in hearing the Holy Scripture and the Word of God proclaimed, and in lifting our voices together in prayer and in singing. It is our sincere hope that y'all will leave having sensed the Presence of God in both Word and Sacrament. All are welcome to join us – and nosotros look forward to greeting you soon!

Nursery intendance (infants through age three) is bachelor at our10:xxx a.m. services; a Children'southward Chapel (ages 3 through 2nd course) is besides available at our10:30 a.m. services, and children's action bags are available at both services.

This website provides you with some helpful information about our shared life in organized religion. Additionally, our bi-weekly eastward-newsletter, The Tip of the Lance , gives you much information about our parish family unit life. We are an active, warm congregation, eager to welcome y'all into our fellowship, every bit you are led by God.

Please feel gratis to send u.s. any questions past filling in the contact course, by calling 901.754.7282 or emailing us at office@stgeorgesgermantown.org. For those who are new to St. George's delight view a further bulletin here from Mother Dorothy and you are welcome to follow her blog at: DorothysMusings@wordpress.com

Visitor Data-What to Wait When You Start Visit


There is plenty of parking at St. George's Episcopal. You are welcome to park in any of the marked parking spaces.


Ushers will greet yous at the inner doors to the sanctuary.

Nursery and Children's Chapel

Nursery and Children's Chapel are provided at the ten:30 service on Sundays.


Y'all will be provided a bulletin by an conductor which contains the order of service and the liturgy.

Welcome Handbag

Y'all will be given a welcome bag with information nearly the church building and a contact card on which you may share your contact data with united states.


Holy Communion is open to all who have been baptized. Our Table is not the Tabular array of The Episcopal Church, but is God's Tabular array.

Sunday Services

Holy Eucharist II

Holy Eucharist Two

Holy Eucharist Ii

Location & Directions

Worship Data for St. George's

This Sunday

Sunday, May 8

Fourth Dominicus of Easter

9:00 a.m. Holy Communion


10:30 a.1000. Holy Communion

Nursery Available

(In-Person and Livestreamed at ten:30 a.m., posted later on in the twenty-four hours.

The Order of Service is here.

This week's Happenings (announcements) tin be found here.

Music for viii:00 a.m. and 10:thirty a.m. past Lucas Fletcher, Organist/Music Director; with Coventry Choir

Events Agenda


Source: https://stgchurch.org/

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