Is It Easy to Get Into Usc Viterbi


The Academy of Southern California (USC) is a highly-ranked individual school located in Los Angeles, and, as a result, it draws thousands of qualified applicants each year. If you're applying here, y'all are probably wondering what the USC admissions requirements are and what you'll need to stand up out equally an applicant.

In this article, we explain how to get into USC, offering you lot specific tips for what you lot can ameliorate in your application. But first, how hard is it to go into USC?

Characteristic Epitome: Ken Lund/Flickr

How Hard Is It to Get Into USC?

USC is a very selective academy with an acceptance rate of simply under 12%—this means fewer than 1 in eight students gets accepted.

Hither's how USC's official news website describes its student body:

"Boilerplate GPA held steady at an impressive 3.88 unweighted, with more than a tertiary earning directly A's throughout high schoolhouse."

Looking at this data lonely, we can say with confidence that information technology's mostly pretty difficult to get into USC.

And so what kind of applicants is USC looking for? Let'due south take a look.

What USC Looks For in Applicants

Because USC is so competitive, and because there are so many applicants applying each twelvemonth, this school is looking for the best of the best when information technology comes to applicants.

Here's what USC writes well-nigh applicants on its website:

"We expect for those students we believe will thrive at USC. Our application process is designed to discover your private story, and so that we might see how yous would take advantage of the many opportunities available at USC. … We will review your performance in school, the rigor of your plan, writing skills and test scores. We also consider personal qualities, as revealed in community involvement, leadership and achievements."

In addition to potent numbers (i.e., test scores and grades/GPA), USC wishes to admit applicants with potent "personal qualities." These qualities can be illuminated through either academic or non-bookish accomplishments, community service/volunteer efforts, or leadership experiences (for example, maybe you're the captain of the rails squad or you lot once organized a successful food drive at your schoolhouse).

As PrepScholar co-founder and perfect SAT/Human activity scorer Allen Cheng discusses in his detailed guide to getting into Harvard, USC, similar Harvard and other summit schools, prefers applicants with "spikes" in their extracurriculars—those with potent passions for specific activities or interests.

After all, with USC'due south over lx,000 applicants each year, you'll definitely demand something to assist your application stand out!

Here's how USC describes its virtually successful students to give you lot more of an thought of what they're looking for in applicants:

"USC students pursue ambitious intellectual and professional goals past studying across disciplines and taking advantage of the diversity of programs available. They are willing to venture outside their condolement zones. They are interested in the world, in other peoples and cultures, and bask examining important issues from a global perspective."

As you tin can encounter, USC is looking for applicants who aren't merely academically gifted but who are also willing to claiming their limits, larn well-nigh new fields, and presume a global perspective.

Can You Employ Early Action or Early Decision to USC?

Unlike many other private and prestigious universities, USC does not offering an early activeness/early on conclusion programme to beginning-year students. Therefore, anyone applying to USC must practise so past the aforementioned deadline (refer to the next section for more information on important dates).

While you can't apply early to USC, if USC is indeed your showtime-selection school, it'due south a smart thought to tell the admissions committee this so they can annotation it in your application.

Hither's what USC admissions skilful Joe Beltran recommends applicants do in the case USC is their first choice:

"Students oftentimes inquire me how they can let the admission role know that USC is their first selection. It's simple: Just tell us. Tell the states in your awarding, over email, phone or in person. And we make note of that. We add these things to your files if y'all ask us to, and nosotros continue them in mind as well."*

*Bold accent mine

Although you tin can't apply early to USC to demonstrate your involvement in attending the university, you tin can (and definitely should) let the admissions commission know about your interest in information technology and then they tin can take this into consideration every bit they sift through the thousands of applications they get.

body_first_place_ribbon Don't hide your true feelings—if USC is your first selection for college, let them know!

Getting Into USC: Logistics and Deadlines

All freshman applicants to USC must apply through the Common Application. Here'south a checklist of all the major USC admission requirements:

  • Common App
  • USC Writing Supplement (on Mutual App)
  • Official Sat/ACT test scores (OPTIONAL for students applying during the 2021-2022 school year). Applicants may also submit SAT Subject Exam scores, AP examination scores, IB test scores, and TOEFL scores (if international)
  • Transcripts showing all high schoolhouse coursework and any higher coursework completed
  • Letter(s) of recommendation—the number of letters you lot must submit to USC depends on the program/school you're applying to
  • Additional materials, such as a portfolio, writing sample, or resume (just if required by your specific program/school)
  • Fall grades—these can be submitted via the Mid-Year Report Form on the Mutual App

As indicated in a higher place, sure schools and programs at USC require additional materials from applicants. The following table shows the schools and programs that require supplementary documents and information (in addition to all the components listed above):

School/Program Required Supplementary Materials
School of Compages Portfolio, Architecture Writing Supplement
Roski Schoolhouse of Art and Design Art/Design Essay, listing of creative experiences, portfolio
Iovine and Immature Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation Proposal video, portfolio, interview (if selected)
Marshall School of Business — World Available in Business concern Program Video introduction, Earth Bachelor's Business written prompts (on USC Writing Supplement)
USC School of Cinematic Arts* Cinematic Arts Personal Statement, writing sample, creative piece of work sample/portfolio, artistic portfolio list, video/photo sample, video introduction, aspirational portfolio, paradigm essay, audio portrait, autobiographical character sketch, artistic challenges, "Most Challenging Moment" task, project question, collaboration question
Glorya Kaufman Schoolhouse of Dance Portfolio, which includes: trip the light fantastic resume, short answer, video response to a question, two video solos and descriptions, three video demonstrations, 2 photographs (a head shot and an action shot), live audition (if selected, depending on COVID-nineteen situation)
USC Schoolhouse of Dramatic Arts* Headshot, drama resume, "Take Iii" image task, letter from drama instructor/charabanc, essay questions, artistic submission, pre-screening audience videos, live audition (depending on COVID-19 state of affairs)
Thornton School of Music Portfolio, music resume, repertoire list, introductory video (certain majors only), audience recording, live audition (if selected, depending on COVID-nineteen situation)

*Exact supplementary materials required for admission will vary depending on the major.

Now, let'southward take a look at all the major USC deadlines , ordered from soonest to latest.

Dec 1, 2021

  • Freshman application deadline for merit scholarship consideration (note that this is not an early on action or early conclusion deadline)
  • Freshman and transfer awarding deadline for the following schools/programs:
    • Dramatic Arts (all programs)
    • Cinematic Arts and Music (all programs)
    • Kaufman School of Trip the light fantastic toe
    • Thornton School of Music
    • Iovine and Young Academy
    • World Bachelor in Business (WBB) program

Jan fifteen, 2022

  • Freshman application deadline (this is the regular freshman application borderline without merit scholarship consideration)

February 1, 2022

  • (For freshman applicants) Last twenty-four hours by which merit scholarship notifications volition be sent out

  • Transfer application deadline for all other programs

February 11, 2022

  • (For freshman applicants) Financial help deadline for FAFSA and CSS profile applications

March 2, 2022

  • (For transfer applicants) Financial aid deadline for FAFSA and CSS profile applications

Apr ane, 2022

  • (For freshman applicants) Terminal day by which final admission notifications will exist sent out

May 31, 2022

  • (For transfer applicants) Concluding twenty-four hour period by which final admission notifications will exist sent out

  • (For transfer applicants) Last day by which scholarship status notifications will exist sent out

body_happy_sad_smiley_faces Heed these next tips and then you tin can be the happy face up.

USC Admission Requirements: v Tips for Getting In

Now that y'all know the logistics of applying, let's have a look at how to go into USC. What do y'all need in your application to increase your chance of getting into USC, 1 of the near prestigious colleges in the country?

#ane: Become a High GPA

Admitted applicants to USC typically have very potent GPAs.

For the fall 2021 class, the 25th/75th percentile high school GPA range was three.75-4.0. This means that the majority of admitted applicants had relatively potent grades, getting mostly or all As and peradventure a few Bs.

If your GPA is below iii.75, you'll most likely have a more difficult time getting into USC. Therefore, information technology's best to aim as high as y'all can, preferably at least around a 3.85, so you lot will be well above average but won't suffer as well badly if you become a B in one or two classes.

If y'all're having trouble maintaining a high GPA, figure out which classes are bringing down your grades and then consider spending more time studying for those classes or hiring a tutor to requite you lot the extra back up you need.

#two: Accept a Rigorous, Challenging Class Load

Another important aspect USC wants to see in applicants is bear witness of a strong and challenging class load. Ideal applicants volition accept taken a fair share of AP, honors, and/or IB classes.

Here's how USC describes its ideal applicants on its undergraduate admissions website:

"No specific curriculum is prescribed or required, though students offered admission typically pursue the nearly rigorous program bachelor to them in English, mathematics, scientific discipline, social studies, foreign language and the arts. Careful attention is paid to preparation for the intended major."

In addition to doing well in classes, strong applicants will take excelled in a rigorous academic program, peculiarly in classes relevant to their intended majors.

If you're a junior or younger and haven't taken any challenging courses yet, try to sign up for some AP, honors, or IB classes the following bookish year and for each subsequent year you're in loftier school.

It'due south best to choose challenging classes that focus on the fields in which you're already strong or have a big involvement in studying. For example, if you're a scientific discipline buff, you could take AP Bio or AP Physics.

While you don't demand to make every class y'all take a super hard 1, aim to have about iii to five upper-level classes each schoolhouse year, at the very least starting your junior year. This doesn't necessarily mean you must take the AP tests that go with these courses, though it'south non a bad idea to do so since it might earn you some college credit!

body_strong_woman Strong test scores—and possibly super strong dorsum muscles—will definitely catch USC'due south center.

#3: Earn Strong Sat/Human activity Scores

Annotation: For students applying during 2021-2022, USC is test-optional. For the 2020-2021 application year, 47% of applicants submitted SAT or Deed scores. However, you may nevertheless desire to consider submitting examination scores if you have peculiarly loftier scores, or if you experience your scores correspond your abilities amend than your GPA.

In full general, USC expects fairly loftier SAT/ACT scores from strong applicants.

Below are the middle 50%, or average, score ranges* for both the Sabbatum and Human activity for the fall 2019 USC freshman class:


  • Composite: 1420-1520
  • Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW): 670-740
  • Math: 690-790

Human activity

  • Blended: 31-34
  • English: 32-35
  • Math: 28-34

*The lower score in each range is the 25th percentile (meaning 25% of applicants or fewer got this score), and the higher score is the 75th percentile (meaning 75% or fewer got this score).

Clearly, you'll demand to have a pretty high Saturday/Act score in order to be considered a competitive bidder to USC. For the Sat, well-nigh applicants have a minimum score of 1420, or the 95th percentile nationally.

Meanwhile, for the ACT, virtually applicants have a minimum score of 31, or the 95th percentile nationally. In other words, you'll need to score in the top v% of test takers in lodge to run into just the 25th percentile score at USC.

Although getting a score below USC'southward 25th percentile threshold doesn't automatically mean you'll be rejected, it does indicate that it'll likely be harder for you to become into USC unless yous have other significantly impressive qualities.

If you don't meet this "minimum" threshold (1420 on the SAT and 31 on the ACT), the best course of action is to effort to raise your SAT/Act score. One way to practice this is to make an SAT/Act written report program that caters to your weaknesses. I also recommend checking out our guides for some tips on how to increase your SAT or Human activity score.

If you prefer having more than hands-on guidance in your test prep, consider using our online Saturday or ACT prep programme, which is 100% customized to your test-prep needs and includes realistic questions written by real tiptop scorers.

#4: Write Fantabulous Essays

In improver to the Common App essay, you're required to write two shorter essays as part of the USC Writing Supplement. Each essay must be no longer than 250 words, or nigh one-half the length of a typical college admissions essay.

For the first USC essay, you must cull one of three prompts to reply to:

USC believes that one learns all-time when interacting with people of dissimilar backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Tell usa about a fourth dimension you were exposed to a new idea or when your beliefs were challenged by some other indicate of view. Please hash out the significance of the experience and its effect on you.

USC faculty place an emphasis on interdisciplinary academic opportunities. Describe something outside of your intended bookish focus about which you are interested in learning.

What is something near yourself that is essential to understanding yous?

Cull the prompt that appeals to you the most and that you'll exist able to answer to easily and effectively.

For the kickoff prompt, you should write nigh a specific incident in which a belief or opinion of yours was challenged. The key here is to focus on your reaction and what this particular incident taught y'all about yourself. This could exist a political stance, a religious conventionalities, or a personal opinion on a social issue.

The 2nd prompt is all about a field outside your intended major that y'all're as well interested in studying. This is a great opportunity to discuss how you became interested in this particular field and what you might practise with it in the future. For instance, maybe you lot plan to major in information science just accept recently realized, by taking a required art class, that y'all also accept a strong interest in learning about the history of paintings.

The third essay prompt is quite broad and allows you to talk about annihilation you feel is important for the USC admissions committee to know well-nigh you. Yous could introduce a specific interest, skill, or experience you have, or even offer an explanation for a problem in your academic tape, such as a dip in your grades one semester or a below-average SAT score.

body_be_creative_writing A great tip to recall as I write my best-selling novel you write your USC essays.

In addition to this kickoff essay, y'all'll have to write a second essay for the USC Writing Supplement. This essay only has 1 prompt (so you don't become a choice hither!):

Draw how yous plan to pursue your academic interests and why yous want to explore them at USC specifically. Please feel free to accost your starting time- and 2d-choice major selections.

This essay prompt simply wants to know what you plan to major in at USC and how you lot'll achieve your academic goals every bit a student. Basically, what's the intellectual path you expect to accept at USC?

For instance, if yous plan to major in English, yous could write near how you intend to take a more interdisciplinary approach by integrating foreign literature classes into your course load.

Overall, in club to ensure you're submitting two excellent essays to USC, be sure to use specific details, be honest most your experiences and feelings, and edit and proofread each essay before sending it in. Become more expert tips by reading our guide to the USC supplement.

It'due south besides of import to notation that some programs and schools require additional essays or curt answers. For example, those applying to the School of Compages must answer actress questions in the Architecture Writing Supplement.

These schoolhouse-specific essays are just as important equally, if not more than, the iii general USC essays you must write. Why? Considering these essays enquire you lot even more specific questions that relate to your intended field of study. Thus, you'll need to be able to clearly explain exactly why you're interested in the field/programme/school you're applying to.

#5: Arts and crafts an Impressive Portfolio (Required for Certain Programs)

Some programs at USC crave the submission of creative portfolios along with the more general requirements listed in a higher place.

If a portfolio is required, it'll likely be ane of the most of import parts of your application. Make sure your portfolio follows all instructions, is 100% original, and is emblematic of your own artistic mind, abilities, and goals.

Here are all the schools at USC that require the submission of a portfolio:

  • School of Architecture
  • Roski Schoolhouse of Art and Design
  • Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Applied science and the Concern of Innovation
  • USC School of Cinematic Arts
  • USC School of Dramatic Arts
  • Glorya Kaufman School of Trip the light fantastic toe
  • Thornton Schoolhouse of Music

What'south Adjacent?

USC is a nifty higher in California, just it's not the only 1 in that location! If you want to attend college in the Golden State, you'll benefit from learning how to apply to the UC schools and getting info on the cheapest colleges in California.

How does USC's selectivity compare with those of other top colleges? Get the answer in our guide to the most selective schools in the nation!

USC likely isn't the only school you're applying to. Check out our guides to learn more than about how to get into Columbia and how to get into NYU.

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About the Author

Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel.


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