How to Stop Uploaded Photos O Twitter to Also Going to Gmail Photos

A few weeks ago, Facebook introduced the ability to sync photos taken on your iPhones, iPads, and Android phones to your Facebook account automatically. Jason Cipriani describes how to enable the feature in "Getting started with Facebook photo sync on Android, iPhone."

Your smartphone or tablet might prompt you lot to activate the service, which uploads via Wi-Fi or the prison cell network the about contempo 20 photos taken with the device and all subsequent photos it takes. As Jason explains, the photos are stored in a private folder and aren't posted to your Facebook Timeline until you postal service them manually.

Also, Facebook promises not to utilize also much bandwidth or horsepower, assuasive you to disable uploads via the jail cell network to avoid data charges, for case. Graham Cluley's postal service from earlier this month on Sophos'southward Naked Security web log explains how Facebook's photo-sync characteristic works.

Equally you tin can imagine, having all the photos taken past your telephone or tablet uploaded to Facebook imperils your privacy and security. As's Brandon Bailey reported before this month, Facebook claims it will not utilize the data associated with the photos until they are posted.

However, all the data associated with the photos, including where and when they were taken, is even so accessible to Facebook and tin exist used to determine the ads you see. Privacy advocates have pointed out that Facebook users are much more probable to mail photos that are already uploaded, often inadvertently.

Facebook's automatic photo syncing is not activated by default, just yous may have enabled the feature without realizing you were doing so. Terminal week I was contacted by a reader who had done only that: somehow his iPhone photos were being uploaded to his Facebook business relationship. He didn't recollect activating the option and couldn't figure out how to disable it.

Facebook iPhone app Photo Sync settings
Change the Facebook app'due south Photo Sync settings to "Don't sync my photos" to forestall Facebook from automatically uploading all the photos you lot take with your iPhone. Screenshot past Dennis O'Reilly/CNET

Even if you knowingly signed up for Facebook's photo syncs and are now having 2d thoughts, you lot'll be glad to learn that disabling Facebook'southward automatic photo uploads from your iPhone, iPad, or Android device takes simply a couple of seconds.

The Facebook Help Center provides stride-by-step instructions for disabling Photo Sync on Android phones, iPhones, and iPads from within the Facebook app itself. Here'southward the nutshell version:

Android: Press the main menu in the peak-left corner and choose Account > App Settings > Sync Photos > Don't sync my photos.

iPhone and iPad: From the Timeline, press Photos > Sync, so the gear icon in the top-right corner, and finally Plough off Photograph Sync (this step may non be necessary) > Don't sync my photos > Done.

Yous can too disable Facebook photograph and video sharing via the iPhone'due south Settings app: open Settings, choose Privacy > Photos, and toggle the Facebook setting to Off. Now when y'all press Photo in the Facebook app you'll be prompted to re-enable photo and video sharing by changing the iPhone privacy setting back to On.

In a mail service from terminal September, Jason Cipriani described Facebook's tighter integration with iOS 6.

A quick look at the new Facebook privacy options
More of Facebook's growing pains were exhibited past founding sister Randi Zuckerberg's plea for "human decency" after one of her private photos was made public via a tweet by the sister of ane of Ms. Zuckerberg'southward friends. CNET'due south Chris Matyszczyk reports on the flap in yesterday's mail service on the Technically Incorrect blog.

Ask permission before sharing? Isn't that contrary to Facebook'due south very nature? Information technology makes more sense to require your explicit permission earlier anyone would be able to share anything you lot accept designated as private.

What's needed is a style for Facebook users to post items with a brake that says "This is for you to see, not to share." Unfortunately, no such option is included in the latest iteration of the always-changing Facebook privacy settings.

Much was made of Facebook's recent revamp of its security settings. The only abiding is that the current Facebook privacy settings are as difficult to brand sense of as their predecessors.

A lock icon now appears in the upper-right corner of the primary Facebook screen. Click it to view shortcuts to three privacy settings: "Who can see my stuff?", "Who can contact me?", and "How do I stop someone from bothering me?" Beneath these shortcuts is a link to the Privacy Settings folio, which yous tin can also access past clicking the gear icon next to the lock icon and choosing Privacy Settings.

Autonomously from a few interface changes, the Facebook privacy options haven't changed much since I described them in a post from last July, "Five-minute Facebook security checkup."

Click Timeline and Tagging in the left pane to view options for limiting access to your Timeline and decision-making who views posts you're tagged in. All of your options are limited, however. For case, click Edit adjacent to "Review posts friends tag you lot in before they announced on your Timeline?" to enable Timeline Review, which requires your manual approval of each post you're tagged in. The setting affects but your Timeline, not everyone else'due south.

Facebook Timeline and Tagging options
You can require your explicit approval before posts friends tag you in announced on your Timeline, only not before the posts appear elsewhere. Screenshot by Dennis O'Reilly/CNET

Likewise, you tin review tags friends add to your posts before they appear by clicking Edit next to that choice in the tagging section of the page. The other two tagging options let you limit who else sees the posts you lot're tagged in, and who sees tag suggestions generated past Facebook's facial-recognition feature.


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